Counter Strike Steam Hack v13.1 Download

 Steam Hack v13.1
# Author – Gabe Newell
[Private Cheats]
# Private CS/CS:S/QL cheats available! PM aiwnjoo
# Steam Hack currently VAC2/HLG Proof only
# VAC2 Proof Since – 7th September 2010
# Use at your own risk, for private cheats contact aiwnjoo
# Custom PanicKey
# Vector AimBot / AimKey / FOV, Smooth, DrawFOV, DrawVec
# BoxESP / DistanceESP / FarESP / NameESP / VisibleESP
# PlayerGlow / WallHack / ThirdPerson
# Radar / RadarPosition (X,Y,Thickness) / RadarColour (R/G/B/A)
# CrossHair (1/2/3/4) / CrossHairColour (R/G/B/A)
# FlashRemoval / FlashPercentage (0/100%)
# BunnyHop / BunnyHopKey
# RussianDuck (1 = RussianDuckKey / 2 = LCTRL)
# Adjustable Configurations (In/Out Game)
[Update News]
[v13.1] Other: Removed VisualRecoilRemoval
        Other: Modified CVARS & Info.txt
        Other: Adjusted Radar (X,Y,Thickness / RadarColour)
        Other: Modified Injector
# Random CRC in Memory
# Module Hiding (Several)
# DLL/EXE Packed with UPX

1: Start – Steam > CS 1.6 / CZ / Other ; TAB OUT
2: Start – .exe                        ; GO BACK IN-GAME
3: Press the PanicKey                  ; F12 (Default)
# x32 / Some say it also works on x64
# For Vista/Windows7 users;
* Run as Administrator
* Compatability mode XP
* Disable UAC
# If your AV detects this as a threat, it is a false positive
# Valve
# Steam
# Microsoft
# GD
# MP-Hacks
# Cheat-Project
# D3Scene
# Organner
# t800
# Madshi
# Others

counter Etkileşim.


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